Saturday, December 5, 2009

NSMBW sells 1 million in the first week!

Technically, it's 952,279 but you get the idea. No surprise Nintendo struck gold coins (again) on another Mario game but let's take a step back. New Super Mario Bros Wii is unique compared to Nintendo's other creations for their console as a fun platformer. Yeah, same can be said for Super Paper Mario but that's combines 2D and 3D elements. Strip away the 4-player co-op, improved graphics, motions controls, and Mario's new moves, you essentially have this:

Rewriting the headline: "25-year-old game becomes 3rd best selling product in the North America". It get right down to the core of this phenomenon. In an industry dominated by the notion "2D gaming is dead", something comes along and says "Screw that!" with one million passe and more to back those words.

What does it mean? It's a wake up call. If something old-school like NSMBW can become a money magnet in the modern age, then maybe 2D platforming is the potentially profitable avenue third party companies can get behind with everything thing they got. They tried about everything else for the Wii with little success but the mere thought of developers revisiting their old-school roots unlock the joyful possibilities. The idea isn't farfetched seeing these companies are still around today. Sega returning Sonic to his former glory. Konami finally has a good reason to make a 2D castlevania for console (besides the rebirth series). I don't see any reason to drop the ball cause for some it was their expertise but if they f#@ked up (on top of all the other bullsh!t mistakes they made), then they have no one to blame other than themselves.

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