When news broke out for Megaman 9, I was so excited to see the Mega, Roll, Proto, Wily, and Light return to their roots, putting the retro revival into full throttle. Capcom didn't hold back on anything, they leaped from the highest diving board and dived into the pool of nostalgia like a shooting star. It was like picking up our childhood where we left off. The pixelated art, awesome 8-bit music, flicker, the box art....Speaking of cheesy box art....:D

MM9 felt like something long overdue has finally arrived. MM10 on the other hand....what's overdue? The only thing coming to mind is connecting the dots between original Blue Bomber and X. For the last decade, fans have hysterically theorized, agonized every little detail, and nerd fight over what the hell happened and seeing as X is roman numeral equivalent of 10, it's seem appropriate to put this to bed once and for all. Unfortunately, we get something about a robo-influenza pandemic and ol' Rock has to search for parts to a vaccine machine.....'kay. On top of that, Protoman makes a return too along with a secret third character. I hope they don't screw us over on the DLC like they did last time.

Sheepman....not the most frightening name, is it? Kinda digging the leap from woolly timid animal to 10,000 volt hazard. Though Capcom seems to be taking inspiration from cute creatures that fit in your pocket.

What's next?

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